Adopt an Animal

Why Adopt?

The Ornithology Center is home to several raptor ambassadors that were wild-born, found injured by licensed wildlife rehabilitators, and determined “non-releasable” due to their injuries. This means that they will never be able to survive in the wild again on their own and must be cared for by facilities like the Ornithology Center. As ambassadors of their species, they help us educate about raptor conservation. The adoption program generates funds for the birds’ long-term care, housing, food, and enrichment!

Adoption Levels

Adoption certificates and fact sheets will be sent digitally to your email. Collectible buttons must be picked up in person at the Ornithology Center.

Advocate $50

  • Personalized adoption certificate
  • Fact sheet about your chosen bird
  • Your name displayed in the OC for the coming year

Friend $150

Items from Advocate level plus:

  • Collectible buttons for your family (5 max) of your chosen bird
  • A behind the scenes tour of the OC for your immediate family

Protector $250

Items from Friend level plus:

  • Private “Raptor Feeding Time” experience for your immediate family

Champion $500+

Items from Protector level plus:

  • Private program for up to 15 people
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